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X'Trapolis Midlife Project


Metal Morphis have been given the opportunity to be part of The X'Trapolis Midlife Refresh project.

Our part of the refresh programme reinstates a protective layer of paint focussing on spot repairs and the respraying of the exterior sides of 58 units (3 car sets).


The solution has been a success and has displayed innovation in design and processes, focusing on safety, efficiency and recycling.


To complete this project successfully these areas had to be in place:

  • A large spray facility for a 3 car set to meet the quality and safety standards

  • Access to height of train to complete preparation and paint work within time constraints

  • Onsite Facility and equipment to mix and transport paint safely to and from the unit

  • Site needs to be able to be demobilised at the end of the project.


MTM allowed MM direct contact with the other suppliers to collaborate on solutions for this project using local suppliers and engineers to come up with custom solutions unique to this site. Unique to Melbourne.


3 Car Set Spray Booth Facility Fit for Purpose

  • The site offers new technology on the air flow converting an   
    existing evac system into a spray facility that meets code

  • New spray booth design

  • Unique spray booth that holds a 3 car set

In the current project the new facility that has been put together covers a range of cutting-edge ideas. The most notable one is that we have a train unit that is a three car set that does not need to be disassembled into individual carriages to be painted. In my years working throughout Metro I have not experienced a facility capable of this. It is unique to Melbourne, and it includes a downdraught extraction system which has never been done in this format and has proved to be very successful. 


Onsite Facility and Equipment 


To have a safe and efficient facility and project it was imperative that a platform was built.

The platform is the key to the success of this project and not only sets up the success for this project but future
proof’s projects going forward.


Metal Morphis through discussion with Metro and local contractors came up with innovative designs on the
platforms and painters platforms.

The Platforms are custom built walkways on both sides of the train and the mobile painters platforms run along
these platforms with stabilising arms.


The platform and painters platform had to incorporate the airflow management in the design, so mesh was
used in the construction so as not to impede airflow. 

Processes also had to take into account airflow even down to the masking working together with other contractors has made this a smooth process. 

Metal Morphis added constant improvements to increase productivity and safety to the workflow.

Paint Mixing Room

The paint mixing room was also custom built by Metal Morphis by repurposing a shipping container. 

The paint mixing room had to comply with being in the spray booth area and had to meet standards for this
requirement - ASNZS4114-2020 and ASNZ 60079.10.1

  • The lighting had to be pressurised 

  • Bunded areas Inbuilt bunding - whole room has bunding at entrance as well as delivery area, fireproof
    cabinets, thinners recycling etc for paint spillage protection

  • Fire requirements - floors were fiberglassed with fire retardant products to meet specifications

  • Explosion proof fan 

  • Extraction had to be outside of paint zone and also not interfere with power restrictions for rail requirements

  • Purge cycle added to fan and lighting including warning indicator light fitted

  • Portable for demobilisation


Also, the Paint Mixing Room includes Waste Recycling and has its own Canning plant of aerosols/spray packs for touch up work -improved touch ups on internal work and low emissions compared to spray guns, all in a fully extracted booth like operation. 

The container can be mobilised on any metro site for ongoing projects requiring paint and body work. 


PPE / Safety - Equipment

Latest technology in sanding equipment Mirka sanding units for the paint preparation is the latest dust extraction equipment and has impressed us because these new sanders are so efficient there is no dust.

Latest technology in respirators, the 3M Air fed respirators, these are the same type used by Elon musk at SpaceX in their production workshops supporting all the latest equipment to make it comfortable to wear all day.


Paint / Products

MM developed strong working relationships with local suppliers that we use for our day-to-day products and consumables - paint being one of our main products - working closely with Dulux, developing this specification for the Iso-free range being used. Through their support of testing equipment, laboratories and access to their latest test results, making us the current edge in the industry. The X'trapolis refresh project is using all iso-free and carcinogenic free products, usually the paint used on train manufacturing and maintenance has a harmful chemical in it called isocyanates and this has been replaced now with an isocyanate-free product. Testing has been performed together with Dulux for Metro prior to project start and authorised through engineering. This is a huge change in direction for maintenance on trains, one that Metro should be proud of. A clear coat has been added to the units, this clear coat is a graffiti resistant product which has exceptional benefits for gloss and durability and the tests we performed including the test results from Dulux laboratories on gloss have just come through with amazing results.



Recyclables - techniques for reusable masking i.e. corflute

In the preparation and paint process we have come up with some recyclable techniques which use corflute for the majority of the masking such as covering doorways and windows, minimising waste and increasing efficiency. 

To promote airflow minimal masking is used on the bottom over bogeys and electrical boxes and general mechanicals - also reducing process and wastage. 

Recycling thinners equipment in the paint mixing room 

Paint Pump Placement and redesign of the rolling Painters Platform has allowed the use of shorter hose lines - eliminates paint wastage and also minimises thinners for cleaning.

Paint Pump Placement and redesign of the rolling Painters Platform has allowed the use of shorter hose lines - eliminates paint wastage and also minimises thinners for cleaning.



Metal Morphis aims for a safe and efficient team in a safe working environment - using the best processes and efficiencies.

We will also be developing training for the trade assists to advance into painting as there is a  shortage of tradespeople in the area of automotive painters.


We are a family business with a strong emphasis on equal opportunities; such as an opportunity for employment of women working in rail. 

The success of the site is a collaboration of contractors through Metro and Metal Morphis working together on innovative solutions for this unique site/project.


The Refresh Program

Exterior and Interior Refresh

Spray pak system has allowed a high quality finish to
the interiors.

Throughout the project occasionally large accident or
old repairs were identified and MM was able to
complete repairs within program through developing
new repair methods and through working closely with MTM engineers.



The schedule was improved from a 2 week program per unit to 3 week
program per 2 units, the project is running at peak performance and will
finish December 23 /January 24, ahead of schedule.


Metal Morphis has a good working relationship with Metro Trains Melbourne and have successfully completed the Alstom 2002 XTrapolis Midlife Body Works  with the last 10 trains to complete, the project has been delivered on time and on budget. Metal Morphis has also assisted with site works outside of the scope of work such as workshop ramp floors, Project Management Board and seat back repairs.

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